Kit Wilkinson—Website and Blog

Very excited about her first release, Protector’s Honor, winner of the 2008 Romance Writers of America Golden Heart for Best Inspirational Romance, Kit asked us to create a website so she could tell the world. Having her book published by Harlequin was nearly as thrilling as seeing her custom site and blog published by IDI.

Opportunity ›

Create a beautiful website for an author destined for fame and fortune.

Challenge ›

The website had to be easy to navigate, easy to update, and include a custom-designed blog. We took this as a personal challenge to stretch our design and programming skills.

Solution ›

We developed a completely custom WordPress theme with multiple stylesheets. Here we have transformed an off-the-shelf blogging platform into a complete CMS solution. We are thankful for the motivation to push ourselves and create a venue for Kit to push her book.

I know you’re curious . . . go ahead and order one!

Nuts and bolts ›

Illustrator, Photoshop, Flash Dreamweaver. Site hosting and registration service. Also, the amazing photography of Robert Harris.


WordPress as a Content Managenet System (CMS)

Kit was keen on the idea of being able to manage the content of her site on her own. Even with no HTML experience, Kit was able to learn everything she needed to know very quickly.


Multiple stylesheets

Always up for a good challenge and learning experience, we set about finding a way to create a separate style for each section of the site.


Connected colors

Each theme is based on key colors from the photos Kit selected for her site.